B.A. I Year: Question Paper of English Literature: Major II/ Minor (Study of Poetry)

B.A. I Year Examination
English Literature: Major II/ Minor
(Study of Poetry)

Section - A (Very Short Questions)
Note: Attempt all questions. Each question carries 02 marks (50 words) 5x2= 10
Q1. Define Sonnet.
Q2. What do you understand by simile? Give examples.
Q3. Define Lyric. Give examples.
Q4. Introduce the Pardoner in Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
Q5. Explain the line, 'They also serve who only stand and wait'.
Section - B (Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 06 marks (250 words) 5x6= 30
Q6. Discuss the characteristics of the Romantic Age.
Introduce the Wife of Bath in Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
Q7. Discuss the theme of the poem 'Death Be Not Proud'.
Write a critical appreciation of the poem 'On His Blindness.'
Q8. Summarise Canto III of 'The Rape of the Lock'.
Discuss the theme of the poem 'The Solitary Reaper'.
Discuss the various forms of autumn as personified in the poem 'Ode to Autumn'.
Q9. Give a substance of the poem 'Break, Break, Break'
Write the theme of the poem 'The Last Ride Together'.
Q10. Summarise the poem 'Tree'.
Discuss the theme of the poem 'Indian Weavers'.
Section - C (Long Answer Type Questions)
Note: Attempt any 2 questions. Each question carries 15 marks (500 words) 2x15= 30
Q11. Discuss John Donne as a metaphysical poet.
Q12. Discuss Wordsworth as a nature poet.
Q13. Write a critical appreciation of the poem Dover Beach.
Q14. Discuss Sarojini Naidu as a poet.
Sandal S Anshu, Satna


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